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The Gimp






 Les tutoriaux
2D : titres 3D
3D : générique Star Wars
CSS : ascenceur perso

Java sample code

Assuming MyFrame is your main class extending JFrame, you can write the main function like this call JSplashScreen.

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		MyFrame f = new MyFrame();
		JSplashScreen splash = new JSplashScreen(f , 
			10 ); 

In this example, the image use in the splash is under same package as the MyFrame class (under images sub-directory).


Assuming aFrame is a JFrame with a BorderLayout, you add a StatusBar to that frame using code below. This example comes with an additional text label (JStatusLabel a JLabel with lowered border) and an icon in the status bar.

        JStatusBar statusBar = new JStatusBar();
        JStatusLabel st = new JStatusLabel("Status");    
        statusBar.add(new JStatusLabel(new ImageIcon("images/default_co.gif")));		
        aFrame.getContentPane().add(statusBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 
        statusBar.setStatusText("Modified Status text");

You can set or get the status text with StatusBar::setStatusText and StatusBar::getStatusText.


Here is a sample code to construct a JCoolTabbedPanel:

The main panel of the example is manage by a BorderLayout. The JCoolTabbedPanel is added to the center of the main panel (it can be added where you want, in main cases to the west in a real application, but it can be added to a splitpane too).

The main work is to add a panel to a JCoolTabbedPanel (JCoolTabbedPanel::addTab). You can use ony panel you want, I made a special panel (JCoolTabInnerPanel) which behave like in a standard Outlook Bar.

Once this is done, your work is to associated ActionListener to buttons in the panel (for example, switch visible component of a panel manager by java.awt.CardLayout layout, which is added at the center of the main panel).

  public void initUI() {
    JPanel panel = (JPanel)getContentPane();
    panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    // *** Constructs the sub-panels for the Outlook like panel
    // *** first Panel ***
    // this panel is especially developped for JCoolTabbedPanel
    pan1 = new JCoolTabInnerPanel();
    // add a background image : default alignment is bottom-left (more to come)
    // see pan2 for tiled background
    // add components to the sub-panel :
    // JCoolButton behaves something like a standard Outlook button 
    //with rollover behaviour
    pan1.add(new JCoolButton("New"new ImageIcon("images/view.gif")));
    pan1.add(new JCoolButton("Edit"new ImageIcon("images/view.gif")));
    pan1.add(new JCoolButton("Delete"new ImageIcon("images/view.gif")));
    pan1.add(new JCoolButton("Childs"new ImageIcon("images/view.gif")));

    // *** repeat for others sub-panels ***
    pan2 = new JCoolTabInnerPanel();
    // add a tiled background image 
    pan2.add(new JCoolButton("Users"new ImageIcon("images/view.gif")));
    pan2.add(new JCoolButton("Roles"new ImageIcon("images/view.gif")));
    pan3 = new JCoolTabInnerPanel();
    pan3.add(new JCoolButton("Preferences"new ImageIcon("images/view.gif")));

    // *** JCoolTabbedPanel
    // Here is the core function of the JCoolTabbedPanel:
    // it adds the constructed panels to a JCoolTabbedPanel
    // You can experience your own sub-panels to test other behaviours

    JCoolTabbedPanel tab = new JCoolTabbedPanel();
    tab.addTab(pan1,"Main");  // params are : the panel to add, the title of the tab
    tab.addTab(pan2, "Admin");
    // add it to the west as standard Outlook Bar
    panel.add(tab, BorderLayout.CENTER);


Jext The Gimp
Ce site est copyright Aragorn © 2002-2003
Author of some icons is Jimmac designed for Gnome projects